The Aril Society International

The Aril Society International is a group of iris enthusiasts from around the world that are devoted to promoting the aril and arilbred irises.

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2023 Seed Exchange Closed

Aril Society annual seed exchange for 2023 is closed. A thank you from ASI exchange volunteers to all who participated donating and buying in this year's seed exchange. Your efforts to grow aril and arilbred iris from seed help keep these beautiful and unusual iris alive for present and future generation gardeners!

Seed exchange participants we invite your questions and feedback on the seed exchange. While our volunteer team has limited resources, we are still interested to hear of what would be helpful to improve, on the web site and for what and how we present the seed lots online. Even with constraints we attempt to address the most pressing issues to supporting our iris work and to improve our means to interract with our membership.

Also, if ASI members have success stories or other noteworthy iris growing experience to share, we invite you to email ASI's web caretaker Ted Havelka to share such information. Iris seed stories which are shorter may be posted on the ASI site, and can be kept anonymous if this is preferred by the author. In depth longer stories may be considered for and are encouraged for ASI's yearbook publication.

Some members have been raising iris from seed for many years. Some newer members however may be growing seed under different conditions, or planting more mature seedlings in climates and settings our membership has not read about. New member iris seed stories can expand our knowledge of where arilbred iris can be succussfully grown.

Thank you again to our seed donors and participants for making this exchange a success!

ASI seed lots for 2023:

1Oacutiloba ssp lineolata HPKW20235
2Oatropurpurea HPYUS201914Old Seed
4OG(iberica lycotis x self) x ((iberica korolkowii B&G) x (iberica x iberica lycotis))PM20222
5OGMcAR-03 (McAR01-44 x (McAR01-22 X McAR03-10)) PM20185pink lines
6OGMcAR09-03 x ?PM20221
7OGMcAR09-07 x ? Advanced OGPM20221only 4 seed
9OGMcAR18-19 (light yellow OG) x McAR20-21 (dk yellow OG)PM20234
10OGMcAR19-34 (SIG!) x McAR19-39 (SIG!)PM20233
12OGMcAR19-76 x beePM20232
13OGMcAR19-76 x beePM20232
14OGMcAR19-77 x ? OG hybridPM20222
15OGMcAR20-12 x ? (Hot Pink Blood)PM20232
16OGMcAR20-21 (deep-yellow-orange Sig.) x McAR19-34 (Sig.!)PM20233
17OGMcAR20-23 (Fire Sig.) x McAR20-26 (aurantica-like)PM20231
18OGMcAR20-26 x Sibling (both resemble I. aurantica)PM20231
19OGB(NNN x O.P.) x O.P.LH20232
20OGBBlusette x Cantacle For CarolineGH20205Old Seed
21OGBCantacle For Caroline x ASI 11-70-2GH20203Old Seed
22OGBCantacle For Caroline x LH 19/17LH20215Old Seed
23OGBCantacle For Caroline x O.P.GH20196Old Seed
24OGB"Canticle For Caroline x Sandflush - pod 1"GH20238
25OGB"Canticle For Caroline x Sandflush - pod 2"GH20235
26OGB"Canticle For Caroline x Sandflush - pod 3"GH20239
27OGBCanticle For Caroline x Shaman's MagicGH20232
28OGBCarole's Blue Heaven x Betty McphersonGH20231
29OGBCarole's Blue Heaven x Galilee DawnGH20232
30OGBChihuahua Night x Holy Moley PlumGH20234
31OGBCreation x Kiosk Sdl.BID20173Old Seed
32OGBDesert Dainty x Shaman's MagicGH20231
33OGBDubai x BlusetteGH20236
34OGBDubai x LH 11/18 portion 2 cl3LH20235
35OGBEnglish Eyes x Eastern Blush sdlg (pale lemon light blue)DEH20176Old Seed
36OGBFire In The Hole x BlusetteGH20231
37OGBFire In The Hole x Byzantine RubyGH20232
38OGBFire In The Hole x Cantacle For CarolineGH20191Old Seed
39OGBFire In The Hole x Holy Moley PlumGH20239
40OGBFire In The Hole x Rose Colored GlassesLH202310
41OGBGarnetteville x Canticle For CarolineGH20232
42OGB"Glow Of Love x Canticle For Caroline - pod 1"GH20234
43OGB"Glow Of Love x Canticle For Caroline - pod 2"GH20236
44OGB"Glow Of Love x Canticle For Caroline - pod 3"GH20239
45OGBHannah's Prayer x Unclaimed TreasureGH20235
46OGBLH 11/16 x OPLH20214Old Seed
47OGBLH 11/18 Portion 2 cl2 x Fire In The HoleLH20237
48OGBLH 12/17 cl3 x Fire In The HoleLH20236
49OGBLH 12/17 clone 3 x Galilee DawnLH20212Old Seed
50OGBLH 12/18 cl1 x Fire In The HoleLH20234
51OGBLH 12/18 cl2 x Kalifa's RobeLH20234
52OGBLH 12/18 cl2 x LH 35/20 cl1LH20236
53OGBLH 12/18 cl2 x O.P.LH20236
54OGBLH 12/18 portion 1 clone 4 x LH 19/17 cl 1LH20213Old Seed
55OGBLH 40/14 cl1 x NNN no. 2 cl2 2023LH20236
56OGBMcAB19-46 x ? (OGB)PM20232
57OGBO85 cl1 x Rose Colored GlassesLH202310
58OGBPenninah's Provocation x BlusetteGH20234
59OGBPenninah's Provocation x O.P.LH20232
60OGBPharaoh's Host x SandflushGH20231
61OGBPoint Well Taken x Honey Not TonightGH20236
62OGBRoyal Flame x Unclaimed TreasureGH20237
63OGBRoyal Flame x Zipporah's BeautyGH202311
64OGBSandflush x BlusetteGH20233
65OGBSandflush x Blusette + Chihuahua NightGH20233
66OGBSandflush x Canticle For CarolineGH20234
67OGB"Sandflush x Chihuahua Night - pod 1"GH202311
68OGB"Sandflush x Chihuahua Night - pod 2"GH20236
69OGB"Sandflush x Chihuahua Night - pod 3"GH20237
70OGBSandflush x Honey Not TonightGH20232
71OGBShaman's Magic x Chihuahua Night OR SandflushGH20239
72OGBShaman's Magic x Sandflush GH202310
73OGBShaman's Magic x Sandflush OR Chihuahua NightGH20234
74OGBShaman's Magic x Zipporah's BeautyGH20234
75OGBVived Dream x Chihuahua NightGH20237
76OGBWhite Noise x Canticle For CarolineGH20238
77OGBXerxes x DubaiLH20233
78OGBXerxes x Fire In The HoleLH20236
79OGB"Xerxes x Shaman's Magic - Pod 1"GH20237
80OGB"Xerxes x Shaman's Magic - Pod 2"GH20238
81OGBZipporah's Beauty x Point Well TakenGH20239
82OGB-Shimmy Shake x O.P.GH20201Old Seed
83OGB Blusette x SandflushGH20235
84OGB Carole's Blue Heaven x BlusetteGH20231
85OGB LH 40/14 cl1 x Fire In The HoleLH20232
86OGB Pharaoh's Host x Unclaimed TreasureGH20238
87OH((camillae x onco) x (sib A010 x A009)) x (haynei hybrid x ass. hybrids)DEH 20179Old Seed
88OH((camillae x onco) x (sib A010 x A009)) x OPDEH201714Old Seed
89OH((camillae x onco) x sib A010) x ((A009 x susiana type hybrid (Shahak) x kirkwoodii))DEH20177Old Seed
90OHacutiloba ssp liniolata x grossheimiiBD20219Old Seed
91OHgrossheimii x paradoxaLH20234
92OHhermona hybrid (yellow form Shahak) x siblingPG20193Old Seed
93OHkirkwoodiae x ibericaBD20214Old Seed
94OHkirkwoodii x iberica elegantissimaJK20168Old Seed
95OHkirkwoodii x iberica elegantissimaJK20178Old Seed
96Rstolonifera OP (bright blue beards)KW20231
97RBstolonifera x GH 09-03 pumila sdlg (Lesser Goldfinch x Crouching Tiger)GH20233
98RBstolonifera x GH 10-61-1 pumila sdlg ex Crouching TigerGH20233
99RBstolonifera x GH 13-7-3 (pumila sdlg x Tiny Temptress)GH20232
100RCDardanus x grossheimiiLH20232
101RCiberica ssp lycotis x RC ThorLH202310
102RCkorolkowii violacea x iberica elegantissimaJK20174Old Seed
103RCMcAR-02 x beePM20231
104RCTeucros x ?PM20232
105RCWerckmeisters Beauty x RH AntiopeLH20233
106RHstolonifera Morning Coffee x TiberiusKW20238
"BD = Bill Dijk, New Zealand"
"GH = George Hildenbrandt, USA"
"TH = Ted Havalka, USA"
PG = Peter Grass. Australia
"YUS = Yuval Sapir, Israel"
"DH = Derek Halford, New Zealand"
"LH = Lars Høpfner, Denmark"
"KT = Kenneth Trimmer, USA"
"KB = Katharina Briese, Germany"
PM = Peter McGrath
B = bearded iris
O = Oncocyclus
"OGB = contains Oncocyclus, Regelia and bearded iris blood"
OH = Oncocyclus hybrid
RB = Regeliabred
RC= Regeliacyclus
OB = Oncobred
OP = Open pollination
C.W. = collected wild
Old seed has been on seedlist before and kept in my freezer
OGB 35/20 = OGB 19/17 portion 2 cl. 4 x OGB 35/14 cl. 2
OGB 19/17 = OGB Aquilifer x OGB 32/13 cl.2
OGB 45/14 = Test not known x OGB Fire In The Hole
OGB 085-1 = OGB Spirit of Caleb x (Lancer x Desert of Diamond) Made by Roberto Marucchi
OGB 40/14 = (Lancer x Desert Diamond) x Fire In The Hole = OGB Fireman's Nightmare (Høpfner 2023)
OGB 12/17 = Scent of Chocolate x OGB 32/13 cl. 2
OGB 12/18 = 40/14 x Scent of Chocolate = OGB Carl-Emil (Høpfner 2023)
OGB 11/18 = 45/14 x Sand Dancer
OGB 11/16 = OGB Aqualifier x OGB own striped brown (marker lost)
OGB 11/70 = Saffron Charm x OP
Comments from Peter McGrath:
All the OG hybrids are highly advanced oncogelia hybrids from Shockey plants. I have crossed them "sevral times since 2000 or so. All of those original plants are gone but most years I cross, plant and " germinate new seed and germinate new seed and continue to cross the unusual of them. "They are unusually easy to germinate after years of natural selection (which is good and bad), colors I " have focused on are yellow (including hot pink signals) and red. All have onco type form. The two RC crosses are from slightly advanced specie cross.
The top-of-page timeline roughly outlines the Seed Sale progress from month to month. Specific deadlines vary from year to year and are established by the chairman. Participation is open to members only.

The rules for the seed exchange are as follows:
  • All members of ASI are allowed to take part in the seed exchange.
  • The seed will be sold for $3.00 per portion. A portion would as a minimum include 5 seeds.
  • Donors have first priority to choose seed until two weeks after the seedlist has been published.
  • Donors are allowed to get five portions of seed free of charge.
  • Non-donors have second priority to the seed (two weeks after the seedlist has been published).
  • Orders are treated as first come, first served. Payment for seed and postage will go to the treasurer.
All kinds of aril seed are welcome, including seed from open-pollinated seedpods. Please use the following notation when you mark the seed portions you donate:
  • OP = Open pollinated
  • HP = Hand pollinated
  • CW = Collected wild
Please tell us what kind of aril or arilbred plant, too, using the standard notation: O, OH, OG, RC, R, RH, OB+, OGB+, RB+, OB, OGB, RB, OB-, OGB-, RB-.

If you are using your own code (many hybridizers are), please tell me about your code.

No portion of seed is too small!!!!

The deadline for sending seed to the seed exchange program is September 1st. If your seed is not ready at that time, please send me a note telling me what you are expecting to donate.

Put all your marked envelopes (for example 11cm x 16cm) in a larger envelope and send your donation to me:
  • Lars Høpfner
    Langengen 38, Svorgerslev
    4000 Roskilde
NB: I don't have any restriction on receiving seed from anywhere in the world!

'Jallab' photo by Rick Tasco. 'Nordic Sky' photo by Lowell Baumunk.

Recent lists downloadable:

Seed list 2021

Seed list 2020

Seed list 2019

Seed list 2018

Seed list 2017

Older lists still on separate pages:

2016 seed sale

2015 seed list

2014 seed list

2013 seed list

2012 seed list

2011 seed list

2010 seed list

2009 seed list

2008 seed list

2007 seed list

2006 seed list

2005 seed list

Copyright © 1996-2023 Aril Society International.
Created April 25, 1996 by Tom Waters.
Updated 2024 June 30 by Ted Havelka.

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