The Aril Society International

The Aril Society International is a group of iris enthusiasts from around the world that are devoted to promoting the aril and arilbred irises.

Aril Society International > Seed Sale > 2011 List (ordering has ended)

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A word from the Seed Chair, Lars Høpfner...
    Here is the 2011 seed list. The donors have had their chance. Now it's everyone else's turn. Please mark lots of substitutes! Deadline for sending orders is 2011-12-31.

The rules is the same as always. Orders are sent to me at Payment (after receiving the seed) is sent to Reita Jordan on the paypal account The seed orders would be packed and filled in the same order as received. We got a good supply of species seed from Israel this year. For all the rest would I recommend that you order many substitutes.

The 2011 Seed Sale is closed. Orders are no longer being accepted. This list is provided as reference material only. Thanks to the following donors for making the 2011 Seed Sale possible!
  • [YUS] Yuval Sapir, Israel - new seed
  • [LAH] Lars Høpfner, Denmark - new seed
  • [PT] Patricia Toolan, Australia - new seed
  • [JK] Jim Kurtz, USA - new seed
  • [DAS] David Shahak, Israel - new seed
  • [FID] Filippo Dimatteo, Italy - new seed
  • [KT] Kenneth Trimmer, USA - new seed
  • [PTA] Peter Taggert, UK - new seed
  • [EP] Ed Pickin, UK - old and new seed
  • [DE] Donald Eaves, USA - new seed
  • [LR] Lawrence Ransom, France - new seed
    OP = Open Pollinated
    CW = Collected Wild
    All the other items are hand pollinated
    UR = Unregistered
    OH = oncocyclus hybrid
    RH = regelia hybrid
    RC = regeliacyclus hybrid
    R = regelia
    O = oncocyclus
    OGB = oncogeliabred
    TB = tall bearded
    J = juno
    NR = not received yet
    ? = cannot be called an arilbred
NoTypeNameDonorSeed Year
1?Butterfly Wings OPLR2011
2Oatrofusca - Tell Arad - SOLD OUTDAS2011
3Oatropurpurea - SOLD OUTDAS2011
5Ohaynei - SOLD OUTyus2011
6Ohaynei - Mt. Gilboa - SOLD OUTDAS2011
7Ohaynei - Mt. Gilboa - different sourceDAS2011
8Ohaynei - Mt. Hamdat (North desert population) - SOLD OUTDAS2011
9Ohaynei - Mt. Rimonim (South desert) - SOLD OUTDAS2011
10Ohermona - SOLD OUTyus2011
11Oiberica elegantissima cl1 x self - SOLD OUTJK2011
12Okirkwoodii HP (2 forms crossed) - SOLD OUTPTA2011
14OParadoxa HP (2 similar forms) - SOLD OUTEDP2006
16Osamariae - Ein Garish - SOLD OUTDAS2011
17Osamariae - Otsrin - SOLD OUTDAS2011
18Osari HP (2 similar forms) - SOLD OUTEDP2006
19Osari HP (2 similar forms) - SOLD OUTPTA2011
20OG(iberica x korolkowii B & G) x iberica elegantissima - SOLD OUTKT2011
21OGiberica lycotis x afghanica - SOLD OUTKT2011
22OGsari x afghanica - SOLD OUTKT2011
23OGB((Tadzhiki Bandit x pumila) x sib) OPLR2011
24OGB(Lancer x Desert Diamond) x a Rob Stetson hybrid (received when he visited me) - SOLD OUTLAH2011
25OGBArabian Sun x Sand Dancer - SOLD OUTDE2011
26OGBBurra Sahib x Persian Padishah (possible)FID2011
27OGBButterfly Wings x unknown (lost label)FID2011
28OGBIn King's Palaces x Lu's Child - SOLD OUTLAH2011
29OGBJallah Effendi OP - SOLD OUTLR2011
30OGBNoble Warrior x KioskFID2011
31OGBSanaa Rose OP - only 5 seed - SOLD OUTLR2011
32OGBScent of Chocolate x OPEDP2011
33OGBWilson sdlg (Vindaloo x Onlooker) OPLR2011
34OGBZazou OP - SOLD OUTLR2011
35OGB-Green Eyed Sheba x OBKT2011
36OGB-Honey Oasis OP - SOLD OUTLR2011
37OGB-SDB Blitz x OGB Tien Shan - SOLD OUTFID2011
38OGB+Gelee Royale OP - SOLD OUTLR2011
39OH(paradoxa x iberica ssp elegantissima) x nigricans - SOLD OUTFID2011
40OHbarnumae x iberica elegantissima - SOLD OUTJK2011
41OHkirkwoodii x iberica elegantissima (cl1 light) - SOLD OUTJK2011
42OHPT 1005 (PT0425 Tira Nursery seed mix Yellow x (((Hila x samariae) x sib.) x Tira Nursery seed mix yellow) - SOLD OUTPT2010
43OHPT1006 (PT0425 (Tira seed mix x (Hila x samariae) x sib)) x PT0464 (susiana hyb x (Mierav x samariae light colour) - SOLD OUTPT2010
44OHPT1009 (kirkwoodii x atropurpurea) x PT0010 (jordana x hermona hyb. with yellow tones) - SOLD OUTPT2010
45OHPT1022 (mariae x haynei hyb. Dark form) x ? (All purples) - SOLD OUTPT2010
46OHSari x iberica elegantisima - SOLD OUTKT2011
47OHurmiensis x gatesii - SOLD OUTJK2011
48Rdarwasica ex Lars (4 seeds only) - SOLD OUTPTA2011
49Rhoogiana alba ex P. & M (5 seeds only) - SOLD OUTKT2011
50Rhoogiana 'Blue mount' OP - SOLD OUTPTA2011
51Rhoogiana x OP - SOLD OUTKT2011
52Rhoogiaa alba ex Ruksans x OP - SOLD OUTKT2011
53Rstolonifera ' Brown standard' x OPKT2011
54Rstolonifera ' White beard' x OPKT2011
55Rstolonifera (LR type 2) OP (NR!)LR2011
56Rstolonifera (LR type 3) OP - SOLD OUTLR2011
57Rstolonifera (LR type 4) OP - SOLD OUTLR2011
58Rstolonifera (LR type 5) ex Volfovich - Moler OP - SOLD OUTLR2011
59Rstolonifera 'Blue beard' x OP - SOLD OUTKT2011
60Rstolonifera brown band on the edge of standards x OPKT2011
61Rstolonifera 'Brown standard' x OPKT2011
62Rstolonifera 'Chocolate' ex Ruksans OP (4 seeds only) - SOLD OUTPTA2011
63R"Stolonifera large white std. Naarow rim x stolonifera 'White std."""KT2011
64Rstolonifera mixed source - SOLD OUTPTA2006
65Rstolonifera x OPKT2011
66RB(RH Vera x RE Earl of Essex) x OP - SOLD OUTLAH2011
67RBEastern Blush OP - SOLD OUTLR2011
68RBL44-2(Lancer x Desert Diamond) x AfrosiabFID2011
69RBOGB Turkish Pendant x RB AfrosiabFID2011
70RBSaffron Charm OP - SOLD OUTLR2011
71RC(Bronze Beauty Van Tubergen x (Werckmeister 1916 x Dunshanbe)) OP - SOLD OUTLR2011
72RCBallalaika Music x iberica elegantissima - SOLD OUTKT2011
73RCBallalaika Music x OPKT2011
74RCDardanus x iberica elegantissima - SOLD OUTJK2011
75RCDunshanbe x OP - SOLD OUTKT2011
76RCEunice x korolkowii B & G - SOLD OUTKT2011
77RCkorolkowii Violacea Bruin x iberica elegantissima - SOLD OUTJK2011
78RCPersian Garnet x OP - SOLD OUTKT2011
79RCPT1011 not Thor x PT0445 (samariae x haynei hyb.) - SOLD OUTPT2010
80RCRH Zwanenburg Beauty x RC Theseus - SOLD OUTLAH2011
81RCRH Zwanenburg Beauty x RC(Werckmeister's Beauty x Verhooga) cl. 1 - SOLD OUTLAH2011
82RCRH Zwanenburg Beauty x RC(Werckmeister's Beauty x Verhooga) cl. 2 - SOLD OUTLAH2011
83RCRH Zwanenbuurg Beauty x RC Werckmeister's Beauty - SOLD OUTLAH2011
84RCTadzhiki Bandit OP - only 5 seed - SOLD OUTLR2011
85RCTadzhiki Bandit x Gamaliel's Wisdom - SOLD OUTKT2011
86RCTadzhiki Eclipse OP - SOLD OUTLR2011
87RCTheseus x Teucros - SOLD OUTKT2011
88RCWerckmeister's Beauty OPLR2011
89RHAfrosiab x OP - SOLD OUTKT2011
90RHBronze Beauty VanTubergen OPLR2011
91RHMerlin's Magic x afghanica - SOLD OUTKT2011
92RHMerlin's Magic x OP - SOLD OUTKT2011
93RHMixed regelia hybrids x OPKT2011
94RHVerhooga x OPKT2011
95RHWerckmeister's cl. 2 x (hoogiana x Vera) - SOLD OUTLAH2011
96RHWerckmeister's cl. 2 x Zwanenburg Beauty - SOLD OUTLAH2011
Copyright © 1996-2023 Aril Society International.
Created April 25, 1996 by Tom Waters.
Updated 2024 June 30 by Ted Havelka.

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