The Aril Society International

The Aril Society International is a group of iris enthusiasts from around the world that are devoted to promoting the aril and arilbred irises.

Aril Society International > Seed Sale > 2014 List

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The 2014 Seed Sale is now closed. This page reamins up to allow people to submit their payments. The first 2 weeks are for the donors to order (starting from mid-September). Starting in October all other members may order.

Order now! Pay later! Submit your order below. Specify plenty of substitutes. Deadline for ordering is 2014-12-31 (or when seeds run out).

You will receive a payment slip along with your seeds. Payment may be sent to Reita Jordan by check via U.S. Mail, or you can return here to pay via PayPal.

Orders are packed and filled in the same order as received. To encourage you to donate seeds, donors get a two-week headstart before others can place their orders.

You must be a fully paid member before you can order. Join ASI Now!

'Glittering Garnets' photo by Elm Jensen.

Just got your seeds?
Then pay here!
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to make a donation simply round your payment up

NoBuySubOmitTypeName - each packet is $2.00DonorSeed Year
1sold outOatrofusca CW, Beer-ShevaYS2013
2sold outOatropurpurea HP, Netanya (wild population)YS2013
3sold outOatropurpurea mixed populations HPYS2010
4sold outOatropurpurea OP, Tel Aviv University Botanical GardenYS2014
5Oatropurpurea, Netanya, IsraelYS2010
6sold outOhaynei CW, Ha'on Cliff, Golan Heights, IsraelYS2014
7Ohaynei Malkishua, Gilboa, IsraelYS2010
8sold outOhaynei OP, Tel Aviv University Botanical GardenYS2014
9sold outOmariae OP, Tel Aviv University Botanical GardenYS2014
10sold outO urmiensis OPJK2014
11sold outOGBAbsalom´s Treachery x Point Well TakenJW2010
12sold outOGBBurra Sahib x Whirlwind RomanceFD2010
13OGBFire in the Hole x either Netted Bronze or Stun GunDE2012
14sold outOGBFire in the Hole x either Stun Gun or Netted BronzeDE2012
15OGBFire in the Hole x either Stun Gun or Netted BronzeDE2012
16sold outOGBFire in the Hole x OP (possibly Xerxes)LH2014
17OGBLights of Arabia x (Bionic Flash x At Last) cl1DE2010
18sold outOGBNN x OPLH2014
19sold outOGBNoble Warrior x KioskFD2014
20sold outOGBPenninah's Provocation x (Zerzura x Tel Aviv) #1DE2012
21sold outOGBPenninah's Provocation x (Zerzura x Tel Aviv) #1DE2012
22OGBPoint Well Taken x DE 2007-36 (Solar Wind x (Lights of Arabia x Desert Embroidery))JW2010
23sold outOGBRed Earth x OPJM2012
24sold outOGBTien Shan x ThunderstormJW2010
25sold outOGB(Zerzura x Tel Aviv) x Tien ShanFD2014
26sold outOGB (Zerzura x Luella Dee) x KioskFD2014
27sold outOGB+(Zerzura x Tel Aviv) x haynei?FD2014
28sold outOGB+(Zerzura x Tel Aviv) x Werckmeisters's BeautyFD2014
29sold outOGB+Fire in the Hole x hoogiana v. alb.LH2014
30sold outOGB+Mondsee x Werckmeisters cl. 2LH2014
31sold outOGB+Tien Shan x Werckmeister's BeautyFD2014
32sold outOGB+Werckmeisters's Beauty x Burra SahibFD2014
33OH(Holden HT-43 x samaria) x (Sharis x hermona)PG2013
34sold outOH(kirkwoodii x Herb's susiana) x (Sharis x hermona)PG2013
35sold outOH(kirkwoodii x Herb's susiana) x siblingPG2013
36sold outOH(kirkwoodii x Herb's susiana) x susiana hybrid ShahakPG2013
37sold outOH(mariae x haynei hyb dark form) x hayneiPT2013
38sold outOH(pt1011 X pt0445) x hayneiPG2013
39sold outOHatrofusca x hayneiFD2014
40sold outOHgatesii x iberica lycotisSZ2014
41sold outOHgatesii x paradoxa f. atrataSZ2014
42sold outOHhermona hybrid dark form x haynei dark brown purplePT2013
43sold outOHhermona hybrid x hayneiPT2013
44sold outOHiberica elegantissima x iberica lycotisJK2014
45sold outOHkirkwoodii x iberica elegantissimaJK2014
46sold outOHkirkwoodii x urmiensisJK2014
47sold outOHPT0315(hermona hyb x yellow hermona) x PT0434(jordana or heynei x samariaie dark form) (bit like paradoxa) PT2013
48sold outOHPT0328 (Aril hyb x 9847(mariae hyb x(susiana hyb blue/black veining) x PT0719 (Princess Maya x Ravid (light))PT2013
49sold outOHPT0426(Tira nurseries seed mix x ?) x PT0464(susiana hyb x (Meirav x samaria light colour))PT2013
50sold outOHPT0464(susiana hyb x (Meirav x samariae light colour)) x PT0426 huge flower (Tira nurseries seed mix x ?)PT2013
51sold outOHsusiana hyb x susiana hyb siblingPT2013
52sold outOHsusiana hybrid Shahak x siblingPG2013
53sold outOHsusiana hybrid x assorted good hybrids (tucked under falls - brown)PT2013
54sold outRhoogiana OP 2KT2012
55sold outRhoogiana x OPKT2012
56sold outRstolonifera dark brown x OP 2KT2012
57sold outRstolonifera OP 2KT2012
58sold outRstolonifera OP 3KT2012
59Rstolonifera 'White beard' x OPKT2011
60Rstolonifera x OP pod 4KT2010
61sold outRstolonifera x OP pod 5KT2012
62sold outRstolonifera X op pod 6KT2011
63sold outRB+(E.O.E. x Vera) x hoogiana v. alb.LH2014
64sold outRCBallalaika Music x hoogianaLH2014
65sold outRCBallalaika Music x hoogiana (pod 2)LH2014
66sold outRCBallalaika Music x hoogiana v. alb.LH2014
67sold outRCDardanus x iberica elegantissimaJK2014
68sold outRCDardanus x urmiensisJK2014
69sold outRChoogiana X Ballalaika MusicLH2014
70sold outRCkorolkowii violacea "Bruin" x iberica elegantissimaJK2014
71sold outRCkorolkowii violacea "Bruin" x iberica lycotisJK2014
72sold outRCkorolkowii x paradoxa atrataLH2014
73sold outRCMerlin's Magic OP pod 2KT2012
74RCWerckmeister's Beauty x OPLR2011
75sold outRHBronze Beauty Van Tubergen OPLR2011
76RHhoogiana OP - next to VerhoogaKT2012
77sold outRHhoogiana x stolonifera NetworkLH2014
78sold outRHhoogiana x Werckmeisters cl. 2LH2014
79RHMixed regelia hybrid x OPKT2011
80sold outRHWerckmeister´s cl. 2 x hoogiana v. alb.LH2014

Here are some photos of plants grown from previous years Seed Sales:

Top row: 3 siblings from 2010-#81 (HT43 x I. hermona)
2nd row: 2010-#58 (Turkish Heart x Khyber Pass), 2010 I. paradoxa
Thanks to the following donors for making the 2014 Seed Sale possible!
  • [SZ] Sean Zera, USA
  • [PT] Patricia Toolan, Australia
  • [LH] Lars Høpfner, Denmark
  • [YS] Yuval Sapir, Israel
  • [FD] Filippo Dimatteo, Italy
  • [PG] Peter Gras, Australia
  • [JK] Jim Kurtz, USA

  • Additional donors from earlier years are
  • [DE] Donald Eaves, USA
  • [JM] Jeff Myers, USA
  • [KT] Kenneth Trimmer, USA
  • [JW] James Washington, USA
  • [LR] Lawrence Ransom, France
    • OP = Open Pollinated
      CW = Collected Wild
      All the other items are hand pollinated
      UR = Unregistered
      OH = oncocyclus hybrid
      RH = regelia hybrid
      RC = regeliacyclus hybrid
      R = regelia
      O = oncocyclus
      OGB = oncogeliabred
      TB = tall bearded
      NR = not received yet
      ? = cannot be called an arilbred
      cl = clone or #
      RE = reblooming
      E.O.E. = RE Earl of Essex
      NN = Name not known
Copyright © 1996-2023 Aril Society International.
Created April 25, 1996 by Tom Waters.
Updated 2024 June 30 by Ted Havelka.

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