The Aril Society International

The Aril Society International is a group of iris enthusiasts from around the world that are devoted to promoting the aril and arilbred irises.

Aril Society International > Seed Sale > 2005 List (ordering has ended)

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The 2005 Seed Sale is closed. Orders are no longer being accepted. This list is provided as reference material only. Thanks to the following donors for making the 2005 Seed Sale possible!
  • [CR] Cindy Rivera, USA
  • [PT] Pat Toolan, Australia
  • [BH] Betsy Higgins, USA
  • [JM] Jeff Myers, USA
  • [DE] Donald Eaves, USA
  • [GW] Geoff Wilson, England
  • [JM] Jeff Myers, USA
  • [RM] Roberto Marucchi
  • [TF] Thomas Fietz, Germany
  • [TBG] Tblisi Botanical Garden, Republic of Georgia
  • [LH] Lars Høpfner, Denmark

* Seed harvested in 2004

1O acutiloba x O kirkwoodii LH
2O acutiloba x O medwedewii LH
3O acutiloba x O sprengeri LH
4O acutiloba x RC Oberon LH
5O acutiloba x RC Teucros LH
6O aurantiaca CW TF
7O bostrensis CW TF
8O bostrensis CW * TF
9O hermona dark form x (Meirav x samariae light colour) PT
10O iberica TBG
11O kirkwoodii x O acutiloba LH
12O kirkwoodii x O medwedewii LH
13O medwedewii x korolkowii B/G LH
14O samariae x OH haynei hyb. PT
15O samariae x Tira Nurseries seed mix - yellow PT
16O. acutiloba x korolkowii B/G LH
17OGB ((Bionic Flash x Onlooker) x Tornado Watcher) x Magic Dream * GW
18OGB (Blond Bearded Lady x Onlooker) x Wine and Lilac GW
19OGB (lancer x Desert Diamond) x OP RM
20OGB (Shebas Jewell x sel. Sdl) x OGB Sel sdl. * LH
21OGB (Turkish Pendant x (Sheik x Esther the Queen)) x OP RM
22OGB Absalon's Treachery x ((Bionic Flash x Onlooker) x Tornado Watcher) * GW
23OGB Absalon's Treachery x OGB Desert Fury * DE
24OGB Alright Allready x OB IB-MAC * DE
25OGB Anacrusis x OGB Watchmann LH
26OGB Bionic Flash x OGB Energizer GW
27OGB Burra Sahib x OGB Close Contact BH
28OGB Burrah Sahib x OP JM
29OGB Byzantine Art x OGB Esther The Queen BH
30OGB Byzantine Art x OP RM
31OGB Byzantine Art xOGB Close Contact BH
32OGB Chocolate Mint x OGB Anacrusis RM
33OGB Close Contact x OGB Burra Sahib BH
34OGB Close Contact x OGB Byzantine Art * DE
35OGB Concerto Grosse x OGB Whirlwind Romance * GW
36OGB Desert Finery x OGB Syrian Rose GW
37OGB Desert Fury x OGB Trail Boss * DE
38OGB Energizer x OGB Syrian Rose GW
39OGB Esther The Queen x OGB Burra Sahib BH
40OGB Esther The Queen x OGB Byzantine Art BH
41OGB Final Inning x OP JM
42OGB invention x OGB Magic Dream GW
43OGB Invention x OP AB * GW
44OGB Kalifa's Rose x OGB Whirlwind Romance * GW
45OGB Lancer x OGB Syrian Rose GW
46OGB Peggy's Song x OP JM
47OGB Persian Market x OGB Zerzura * DE
48OGB Pink Seraph x OGB Chocolate Mint BH
49OGB Pink Seraph x OGB Close Contact BH
50OGB Pink Seraph x OGB Energizer BH
51OGB Pink Seraph x OGB Tcha' Deetch BH
52OGB Pink Seraph x OGB+ Gelee Royale BH
53OGB Queen Sheba x (Windrider x 86/92/60A-A) GW
54OGB Sheba's Jewel x OGB Unknown 2 BH
55OGB Solar Wind x Bionic Flash * GW
56OGB Solar Wind x OGB Whirlwind Romance * GW
57OGB Solar Wind x OGB((Bionic Flash x Onlooker) x Tornado Watcher) * GW
58OGB Solar Wind x OP AB GW
59OGB Turkish Pendant x OP AB * GW
60OGB Turkish Warrior x OGB Grand Vizier * GW
61OGB Unknown 1 x OGB Burra Sahib BH
62OGB Zerzura x OP JM
63OGB+ Gelee Royale x OG B Byzantine Art BH
64OGB+ Gelee Royale x OGB Tcha' Deetch BH
65OH (Hila x (samariae x sib.)) x dark hermona hybrid PT
66OH (jordana x susiana hyb) x samariae hyb. PT
67OH (mariae hyb x aril hyb) x OH haynei hyb. PT
68OH (Meirav x samariae) x hermona hyb. PT
69OH (susiana hyb x hermona hyb) x aril species hyb. PT
70OH (susiana hyb x OP) x (OH hermona hyb x OP) PT
71OH haynei hyb x sib. PT
72OH hermona hyb dark form x aril hybrid PT
73OH Hermona hyb x OH Hermona hyb PT
74OH Yellow hermona hyb x (Meirav x samariae) yellow colours PT
75OH Yellow hermona hyb x yellow samariae hyb. PT
76R hoogiana x (paradoxa x O iberica) JM
77R korolkowii B/G x R stolonifera 'Network' LH
78R korolkowii ex Chatkal x OG Leo's Magic * LH
79R stolonifera CR
80R. korolkowii B/G x O. acutiloba * LH
81R. korolkowii from CZ x O. acutiloba * LH
82RC Tadzhiki Bandit x 4N OG TH8943 * LH
83RC Tadzhiki Eclipse x RH Werckmeiksters CL #2 * LH
84RH Bronze Beauty x R stolonifera 'Network' LH
85RH Bronze Beauty x RH Verahooga LH
86RH Dunshanbe x OGB Star of Spring DE
87IB Zigme x OGB Anacrusis RM
88OGB Turkish Pendant x MDB Farfui RM
89SDB Death by Chocolate x OGB Anacrusis RM
90TB Alien Mist x OGB Desert Diamond RM
91TB Ebbtide x OGB Byzantine Art * DE
92OGB 43-89SMO-I x (Windrider x 86/92/60A-A) GW
93OGB (Absalon's Treachery x (Outline x Watchmann) GW
94OGB Absalon's Treachery x Syrian Rose GW
95OGB (Bionic Flash x Onlooker) x Energizer GW
96OGB (Blond Bearded Lady x Onlooker) x Wine and Lilac GW
97OGB Heart Stealer x Syrian Rose GW
98OGB Invention x 88-93OW-A GW
99OGB Invention x Magic Dream GW
100OGB Lancer x Ryrian Rose GW
101OGB Queen Sheba x (Windrider x 86/92/60A-A) GW
102OGB Solar Wind x (6-89MSO-C x Onlooker)GW
Copyright © 1996-2023 Aril Society International.
Created April 25, 1996 by Tom Waters.
Updated 2024 June 30 by Ted Havelka.

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