No | Name | Donor |
1 | O acutiloba x O kirkwoodii
| LH |
2 | O acutiloba x O medwedewii
| LH |
3 | O acutiloba x O sprengeri
| LH |
4 | O acutiloba x RC Oberon
| LH |
5 | O acutiloba x RC Teucros
| LH |
6 | O aurantiaca CW
| TF |
7 | O bostrensis CW
| TF |
8 | O bostrensis CW *
| TF |
9 | O hermona dark form x (Meirav x samariae light colour)
| PT |
10 | O iberica
| TBG |
11 | O kirkwoodii x O acutiloba
| LH |
12 | O kirkwoodii x O medwedewii
| LH |
13 | O medwedewii x korolkowii B/G
| LH |
14 | O samariae x OH haynei hyb.
| PT |
15 | O samariae x Tira Nurseries seed mix - yellow
| PT |
16 | O. acutiloba x korolkowii B/G
| LH |
17 | OGB ((Bionic Flash x Onlooker) x Tornado Watcher) x Magic Dream *
| GW |
18 | OGB (Blond Bearded Lady x Onlooker) x Wine and Lilac
| GW |
19 | OGB (lancer x Desert Diamond) x OP
| RM |
20 | OGB (Shebas Jewell x sel. Sdl) x OGB Sel sdl. *
| LH |
21 | OGB (Turkish Pendant x (Sheik x Esther the Queen)) x OP
| RM |
22 | OGB Absalon's Treachery x ((Bionic Flash x Onlooker) x Tornado Watcher) *
| GW |
23 | OGB Absalon's Treachery x OGB Desert Fury *
| DE |
24 | OGB Alright Allready x OB IB-MAC *
| DE |
25 | OGB Anacrusis x OGB Watchmann
| LH |
26 | OGB Bionic Flash x OGB Energizer
| GW |
27 | OGB Burra Sahib x OGB Close Contact
| BH |
28 | OGB Burrah Sahib x OP
| JM |
29 | OGB Byzantine Art x OGB Esther The Queen
| BH |
30 | OGB Byzantine Art x OP
| RM |
31 | OGB Byzantine Art xOGB Close Contact
| BH |
32 | OGB Chocolate Mint x OGB Anacrusis
| RM |
33 | OGB Close Contact x OGB Burra Sahib
| BH |
34 | OGB Close Contact x OGB Byzantine Art *
| DE |
35 | OGB Concerto Grosse x OGB Whirlwind Romance *
| GW |
36 | OGB Desert Finery x OGB Syrian Rose
| GW |
37 | OGB Desert Fury x OGB Trail Boss *
| DE |
38 | OGB Energizer x OGB Syrian Rose
| GW |
39 | OGB Esther The Queen x OGB Burra Sahib
| BH |
40 | OGB Esther The Queen x OGB Byzantine Art
| BH |
41 | OGB Final Inning x OP
| JM |
42 | OGB invention x OGB Magic Dream
| GW |
43 | OGB Invention x OP AB *
| GW |
44 | OGB Kalifa's Rose x OGB Whirlwind Romance *
| GW |
45 | OGB Lancer x OGB Syrian Rose
| GW |
46 | OGB Peggy's Song x OP
| JM |
47 | OGB Persian Market x OGB Zerzura *
| DE |
48 | OGB Pink Seraph x OGB Chocolate Mint
| BH |
49 | OGB Pink Seraph x OGB Close Contact
| BH |
50 | OGB Pink Seraph x OGB Energizer
| BH |
51 | OGB Pink Seraph x OGB Tcha' Deetch
| BH |
52 | OGB Pink Seraph x OGB+ Gelee Royale
| BH |
53 | OGB Queen Sheba x (Windrider x 86/92/60A-A)
| GW |
54 | OGB Sheba's Jewel x OGB Unknown 2
| BH |
55 | OGB Solar Wind x Bionic Flash *
| GW |
56 | OGB Solar Wind x OGB Whirlwind Romance *
| GW |
57 | OGB Solar Wind x OGB((Bionic Flash x Onlooker) x Tornado Watcher) *
| GW |
58 | OGB Solar Wind x OP AB
| GW |
59 | OGB Turkish Pendant x OP AB *
| GW |
60 | OGB Turkish Warrior x OGB Grand Vizier *
| GW |
61 | OGB Unknown 1 x OGB Burra Sahib
| BH |
62 | OGB Zerzura x OP
| JM |
63 | OGB+ Gelee Royale x OG B Byzantine Art
| BH |
64 | OGB+ Gelee Royale x OGB Tcha' Deetch
| BH |
65 | OH (Hila x (samariae x sib.)) x dark hermona hybrid
| PT |
66 | OH (jordana x susiana hyb) x samariae hyb.
| PT |
67 | OH (mariae hyb x aril hyb) x OH haynei hyb.
| PT |
68 | OH (Meirav x samariae) x hermona hyb.
| PT |
69 | OH (susiana hyb x hermona hyb) x aril species hyb.
| PT |
70 | OH (susiana hyb x OP) x (OH hermona hyb x OP)
| PT |
71 | OH haynei hyb x sib.
| PT |
72 | OH hermona hyb dark form x aril hybrid
| PT |
73 | OH Hermona hyb x OH Hermona hyb
| PT |
74 | OH Yellow hermona hyb x (Meirav x samariae) yellow colours
| PT |
75 | OH Yellow hermona hyb x yellow samariae hyb.
| PT |
76 | R hoogiana x (paradoxa x O iberica)
| JM |
77 | R korolkowii B/G x R stolonifera 'Network'
| LH |
78 | R korolkowii ex Chatkal x OG Leo's Magic *
| LH |
79 | R stolonifera
| CR |
80 | R. korolkowii B/G x O. acutiloba *
| LH |
81 | R. korolkowii from CZ x O. acutiloba *
| LH |
82 | RC Tadzhiki Bandit x 4N OG TH8943 *
| LH |
83 | RC Tadzhiki Eclipse x RH Werckmeiksters CL #2 *
| LH |
84 | RH Bronze Beauty x R stolonifera 'Network'
| LH |
85 | RH Bronze Beauty x RH Verahooga
| LH |
86 | RH Dunshanbe x OGB Star of Spring
| DE |
87 | IB Zigme x OGB Anacrusis
| RM |
88 | OGB Turkish Pendant x MDB Farfui
| RM |
89 | SDB Death by Chocolate x OGB Anacrusis
| RM |
90 | TB Alien Mist x OGB Desert Diamond
| RM |
91 | TB Ebbtide x OGB Byzantine Art *
| DE |
Addendum |
92 | OGB 43-89SMO-I x (Windrider x 86/92/60A-A)
| GW |
93 | OGB (Absalon's Treachery x (Outline x Watchmann)
| GW |
94 | OGB Absalon's Treachery x Syrian Rose
| GW |
95 | OGB (Bionic Flash x Onlooker) x Energizer
| GW |
96 | OGB (Blond Bearded Lady x Onlooker) x Wine and Lilac
| GW |
97 | OGB Heart Stealer x Syrian Rose
| GW |
98 | OGB Invention x 88-93OW-A
| GW |
99 | OGB Invention x Magic Dream
| GW |
100 | OGB Lancer x Ryrian Rose
| GW |
101 | OGB Queen Sheba x (Windrider x 86/92/60A-A)
| GW |
102 | OGB Solar Wind x (6-89MSO-C x Onlooker) | GW |