As the name implies, the ASI Yearbook is published annually. It is similar in size to the American Iris Society Bulletins, with the focus obviously being on aril and arilbred related topics.
Often a Yearbook will focus on a particular topic. For 2007 that topic was Onco Culture. The table of contents is provided below to give you an idea of the breadth and depth of articles contained in these Yearbooks.
Oncocyclus Culture
- Report from Down Under by P. Toolan
- The Eaves Project by B. Higgins
- Tetraploid OGs and RCs, again by F. Thoolen
- Carole Vossen by P. McGrath
- From Sinai to Kataghan by H. Achilles
- An Extreme Weather Report from Denmark, by L. Hoepfner
- Iris iberica var elegantissima in Idaho by J. Kurtz
- An Oncocyclus from Metal by Th. Fietz
- Will the Real 'Pastel Lady' Please Stand Up? by P. McGrath
- The Importance of the Clarence G. White Oncobreds in the Development of New Arilbred Irises by H.V. Slamova
- The Splendid Irises from Palestine by H.E. Wulle
- By They Be Giants All (1940-2007) by E. Jensen
- The 2007 Registrations and Introductions by Various Authors
Photo Essays
- Taking Iris Digital Photographs Part 1: The Equipment by A. Moran
- Taking Iris Digital Photographs Part 2: Taking the Picutre by A. Moran
- Taking Iris Digital Photographs Part 3: Working with your Pictures by A. Moran
- Enhanced Germination Techniques by S. McAllister
Oncocyclus in their Natural Habitat
- A New Population of the Rare Iris westii from Mount Hermon by O. Fragman-Sapir
- Oncocyclus Irises in Syria and Lebanon by Th. Fietz
ASI Life and the Small Print
- From the President
- Editor's Column
- New ASI Members in 2007
- Arilrobin
- The ASI Website
- British Iris Society Advertisement
- The Arilbred Awards of AIS
- Attention Hybridizers
- ASI Photo Archive
- Seed Exchange Report 2006
- Obituary: Colin Henry Fidock
- Obituary: Robert Stetson
- Obituary: E. Sam Fankhauser
- ASI Membership List
- ASI 2008 Officers and Directors
- ASI Committees and Services
- Our Display Gardens
- A Basic Aril Glossary
'Emerald Fantasy' photo by jeffinyucaipa
Back issues of yearbooks are available postpaid from the General Secretary as follows:
$4 each: 1961-65, 67-75, 83-85, and 1987
$6 each: 1988-1997
California residents add 8.21% sales tax.
Send your payment to:
Donald Eaves ASI General Secretary 1102 C.R. 192 Carbon, TX 76435